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autoconf-orb is a set of autoconf macros capable to detect various ORBs. It can be used standalone (see example7 and example9), but is primarily intended to be used with automake-idl.

AI_CHECK_* (common features)


  1. Package-specific installation:
    Use the following commands:

    ./configure --with-m4datadir=DIR
    make install

    where DIR is the directory of your package which contains additional autoconf macros.

  2. System-wide installation:
  3. Use the following commands:

    ./configure --prefix=PREFIX
    make install

    where PREFIX is automake's installation root. Usually, you can get it with the following command:

    aclocal --print-ac-dir | sed 's|/share/aclocal$||'

    Notice that you should have installed automake-idl in advance if you plan to use autoconf-orb in conjunction with it.

configure command-line options:
Default value(s)
install omniORB detection macros
install TAO detection macros
install MICO detection macros
install orbitcpp detection macros
install ORBacus detection macros
install VisiBroker detection macros
install Tuxedo detection macros
install Orbix detection macros
installation prefix (not relevant if --with-m4datadir is used)
--with-m4datadir=DIR installation directory

Note: AI_CHECK_ORB now has the much more convenient feature of package-wide restriction of allowed ORBs. The installation-wide restriction feature described here (the --enable-orb options in the table above) may be considered as deprecated but will be kept for backward compatibility.


This is not a real macro but a section which contains the common features for the macros below.

configure command-line options:
Default value(s)
--enable-orb-buildtest try to build a test program
specify the mode for linking against the ORB libraries:
prefer shared libraries but do not reject static ones
prefer static libraries but do not reject shared ones
force static libraries (reject shared ones)

config.h defines:
if the ORB IDL compiler generates TIE implementation skeletons
if the ORB IDL compiler generates flattened TIE implementation skeletons

  1. If you  use --enable-orb-linkmode=all_static and any of the ORB's mandatory libraries does not have a static version, then the detection will fail.
  2. If you want to produce entirely static executables then use LDFLAGS=-static; --enable-orb-linkmode has effect only on the ORB's libraries.
  3. None of the AI_CHECK_* macros calls AC_MSG_ERROR upon unsuccessful detection. If your package cannot be built without an ORB you should call it yourself.


This macro checks for omniORB. It detects either version 3.x.y or 4.x.y.
You may use this macro if:
  1. Your package supports only omniORB.
  2. Multi-ORB builds (see example6).
configure command-line options:
Default value(s)
--with-omniorb-prefix=OMNIORB_PREFIX architecture-independent prefix
/usr/local or /usr or /usr/pkg or /opt/sfw or /usr/sfw or /opt/local or /sw
architecture-dependent prefix
OpenSSL architecture-independent prefix
/usr/local or /usr or /usr/pkg or /opt/sfw or /usr/sfw or /opt/local or /sw or /usr/local/openssl or /usr/openssl or /usr/pkg/openssl or /opt/sfw/openssl or /usr/sfw/openssl or /opt/local/openssl or /sw/openssl
OpenSSL architecture-dependent prefix

After the macro is run, the shell variable $OMNIORB is set to either "yes" or "no", depending on whether omniORB has been found or not.

AC_SUBST'ed shell variables (only if $OMNIORB is "yes"):
Variable name

if omniORB 3.x.y
if omniORB 4.x.y
A space-separated list of the directories which contain omniORB's and supplementary executables
A space-separated list of the directories which contain omniORB's and supplementary libraries
A space-separated list of the directories which contain omniORB's and supplementary headers
A space-separated list of the directories which contain omniORB's and supplementary COSS IDLs
"-bcxx -Wba -Wbtp -Wbh=.hpp -Wbs=.cpp -Wbd=Dyn.cpp -Wbuse_quotes"
pthread $CFLAGS
pthread $CFLAGS
"-I$ORB_INC_DIRS" + architecture-specific defines "-I$ORB_INC_DIRS" + architecture-specific defines (if needed at all)
+ "-lomniDynamic3 -lCOS3 -lCOSDynamic3" (whichever are available)
+ "-lomniConnectionMgmt4 -lomniCodeSets4 -lomniDynamic4 -lCOS4 -lCOSDynamic4" (whichever are available)
+ either "-ltcpwrapGK" or "-lomniGK_stub" or "-lomniGK_alone" (whichever is available in this order)
+ "-lomnisslTP" (if avalable) and OpenSSL's libs
+ "-lm" + socket and pthread libs

config.h and defines (only if $OMNIORB is "yes"):
if omniORB 3.x.y if omniORB 4.x.y
HAVE_LIBomniDynamic3 (if -lomniDynamic3 is detected) HAVE_LIBomniDynamic4 (if -lomniDynamic4 is detected)
HAVE_LIBCOS3 (if -lCOS3 is detected) HAVE_LIBCOS4 (if -lCOS4 is detected)
HAVE_LIBCOSDynamic3 (if -lCOSDynamic3 is detected) HAVE_LIBCOSDynamic4 (if -lCOSDynamic4 is detected)

HAVE_LIBomniCodeSets4 (if -lomniCodeSets4 is detected)

HAVE_LIBomniConnectionMgmt4 (if -lomniConnectionMgmt4 is detected)

HAVE_LIBomnisslTP (if -lomnisslTP is detected)


This macro checks for TAO.
You may use this macro if:
  1. Your package supports only TAO.
  2. Multi-ORB builds (see example6).

TAO has two possible layouts: autotools-installed (./configure --prefix=... && make && make install), and stock-built. Unlike omniORB 4.x.y (which also has two possible layouts with similar characteristics)  there are different command-line options for the different layouts.

configure command-line options:
Default value(s)
ACE+TAO architecture-independent prefix
/usr/local or /usr or /usr/pkg or /opt/sfw or /usr/sfw or /opt/local or /sw
ACE+TAO architecture-dependent prefix
--with-ace-root=ACE_ROOT search for stock-built ACE in DIR
--with-tao-root=TAO_ROOT search for stock-built TAO in DIR $TAO_ROOT or ACE_ROOT/TAO
TAO has been built with C++ exception handling enabled (applicable only when using stock-built layout)
TAO has been built with code inlining enabled (applicable only when using stock-built layout) yes
OpenSSL architecture-independent prefix
/usr/local or /usr or /usr/pkg or /opt/sfw or /usr/sfw or /opt/local or /sw or /usr/local/openssl or /usr/openssl or /usr/pkg/openssl or /opt/sfw/openssl or /usr/sfw/openssl or /opt/local/openssl or /sw/openssl
OpenSSL architecture-dependent prefix
zlib architecture-independent prefix /usr/local or /usr or /usr/pkg or /opt/sfw or /usr/sfw or /opt/local or /sw
zlib architecture-dependent prefix ZLIB_PREFIX
libbzip2 architecture-independent prefix /usr/local or /usr or /usr/pkg or /opt/sfw or /usr/sfw or /opt/local or /sw
libbzip2 architecture-dependent prefix LIBBZIP2_PREFIX
Here is the order of preference:
  1. If --with-acetao-prefix is used, then try an autotools-installed layout with the specified prefix.
  2. If --with-ace-root is used, then try a stock-built layout with the specified root.
  3. If $ACE_ROOT is not empty, then try a stock-built layout with the specified root.
  4. Try an autotools-installed layout with the default prefixes.
After the macro is run, the shell variable $TAO is set to either "yes" or "no", depending on whether TAO has been found or not.

AC_SUBST'ed shell variables (only if $TAO is "yes"):
Variable name
TAO's version
A space-separated list of the directories which contain TAO's and supplementary executables
A space-separated list of the directories which contain TAO's and supplementary libraries
A space-separated list of the directories which contain TAO's and supplementary headers
A space-separated list of the directories which contain TAO's and supplementary COSS IDLs
"-GT -in -hc .hpp -hs Server.hpp -hT Server_T.hpp -cs .cpp -ss Server.cpp -sT Server_T.cpp -ci .inl
pthread $CFLAGS
pthread $CFLAGS
+ "-DACE_HAS_EXCEPTIONS -D__ACE_INLINE__ -DACE_NO_INLINE" (whichever are needed)
+ "-DACE_AS_STATIC_LIBS -DTAO_AS_STATIC_LIBS" (if linking statically; this includes max static, all static and entirely static modes)
"-lTAO -lACE"
+ "-lTAO_SSLIOP -lTAO_Security -lTAO_Metrics -lTAO_RTCosScheduling -lTAO_RTKokyuEvent -lTAO_RTEventLogAdmin_Skel -lTAO_RTEventLogAdmin -lTAO_RTSchedEvent -lTAO_RTOLDEvent -lTAO_RT_Notification -lTAO_RTSched -lTAO_IFRService -lTAO_HTIOP -lTAO_FaultTolerance -lTAO_RTCORBAEvent -lTAO_FT_ServerORB -lTAO_FT_ClientORB -lTAO_FTORB -lTAO_FTRT_EventChannel -lTAO_FtRtEvent -lTAO_RTEvent_Skel -lTAO_RTEvent -lTAO_FTRT_ClientORB -lTAO_FTORB_Utils -lTAO_DsNotifyLogAdmin_Skel -lTAO_DsNotifyLogAdmin -lTAO_DsEventLogAdmin_Skel -lTAO_DsEventLogAdmin -lTAO_DsLogAdmin_Skel -lTAO_DsLogAdmin -lTAO_CosTrading_Skel -lTAO_CosTrading -lTAO_CosTime -lTAO_CosNotification_Persist -lTAO_CosNotification_MC_Ext -lTAO_CosNotification_Skel -lTAO_CosNotification_MC -lTAO_CosNotification -lTAO_ETCL -lTAO_CosLoadBalancing -lTAO_PortableGroup -lTAO_CosLifeCycle -lTAO_CosEvent_Skel -lTAO_CosEvent -lTAO_CosConcurrency_Skel -lTAO_CosConcurrency -lTAO_AV -lTAO_CosProperty_Skel -lTAO_CosProperty -lTAO_CosNaming_Skel -lTAO_CosNaming -lTAO_Svc_Utils -lTAO_Utils -lTAO_TypeCodeFactory -lTAO_TC_IIOP -lTAO_TC -lTAO_Strategies -lTAO_SmartProxies -lTAO_RTScheduler -lTAO_RTPortableServer -lTAO_RTCORBA -lTAO_PI_Server -lTAO_ImR_Client -lTAO_IORTable -lTAO_IORManip -lTAO_DynamicInterface -lTAO_Messaging -lTAO_DynamicAny -lTAO_Domain -lTAO_IFR_Client -lTAO_EndpointPolicy -lTAO_DiffServPolicy -lTAO_Compression -lTAO_CSD_ThreadPool -lTAO_CSD_Framework -lTAO_IORInterceptor -lTAO_ObjRefTemplate -lTAO_PortableServer -lTAO_Valuetype -lTAO_BiDirGIOP -lTAO_PI -lTAO_CodecFactory -lTAO_AnyTypeCode -lTAO_Codeset" (whichever are available)
+ "-lTAO_RTEventLogAdmin_Serv -lTAO_RTEvent_Serv -lTAO_DsNotifyLogAdmin_Serv -lTAO_DsEventLogAdmin_Serv -lTAO_DsLogAdmin_Serv -lTAO_CosTrading_Serv -lTAO_CosNotification_Serv -lTAO_CosEvent_Serv -lTAO_CosConcurrency_Serv -lTAO_CosProperty_Serv -lTAO_CosNaming_Serv -lACEXML_Parser -lACEXML -lACE_HTBP -lACE_SSL -lACE_Monitor_Control -lACE_ETCL_Parser -lACE_ETCL -lKokyu" (whichever are needed)
+ "-lm" + socket, pthread and OpenSSL's, zlib's and libbzip2's (if needed) libs

config.h and defines (only if $TAO is "yes"):
HAVE_LIBTAO_Codeset (if -lTAO_Codeset is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_AnyTypeCode (if -lTAO_AnyTypeCode is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CodecFactory (if -lTAO_CodecFactory is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_PI (if -lTAO_PI is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_BiDirGIOP (if -lTAO_BiDirGIOP is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_Valuetype (if -lTAO_Valuetype is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_PortableServer (if -lTAO_PortableServer is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_ObjRefTemplate (if -lTAO_ObjRefTemplate is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_IORInterceptor (if -lTAO_IORInterceptor is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CSD_Framework (if -lTAO_CSD_Framework is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CSD_ThreadPool (if -lTAO_CSD_ThreadPool is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_Compression (if -lTAO_Compression is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_Bzip2Compressor (if -lTAO_Bzip2Compressor is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_ZlibCompressor (if -lTAO_ZlibCompressor is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_DiffServPolicy (if -lTAO_DiffServPolicy is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_EndpointPolicy (if -lTAO_EndpointPolicy is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_IFR_Client (if -lTAO_IFR_Client is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_Domain (if -lTAO_Domain is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_DynamicAny (if -lTAO_DynamicAny is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_Messaging (if -lTAO_Messaging is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_DynamicInterface (if -lTAO_DynamicInterface is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_IORManip (if -lTAO_IORManip is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_IORTable (if -lTAO_IORTable is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_ImR_Client (if -lTAO_ImR_Client is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_PI_Server (if -lTAO_PI_Server is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_RTPortableServer (if -lTAO_RTPortableServer is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_RTScheduler (if -lTAO_RTScheduler is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_SmartProxies (if -lTAO_SmartProxies is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_Strategies (if -lTAO_Strategies is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_Monitor (if -lTAO_Monitor is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_TC (if -lTAO_TC is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_TC_IIOP (if -lTAO_TC_IIOP is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_TypeCodeFactory (if -lTAO_TypeCodeFactory is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_ZIOP (if -lTAO_ZIOP is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_Utils (if -lTAO_Utils is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_Svc_Utils (if -lTAO_Svc_Utils is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CosNaming (if -lTAO_CosNaming is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CosNaming_Skel (if -lTAO_CosNaming_Skel is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CosProperty (if -lTAO_CosProperty is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CosProperty_Skel (if -lTAO_CosProperty_Skel is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_AV (if -lTAO_AV is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CosConcurrency (if -lTAO_CosConcurrency is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CosConcurrency_Skel (if -lTAO_CosConcurrency_Skel is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CosEvent (if -lTAO_CosEvent is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CosEvent_Skel (if -lTAO_CosEvent_Skel is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CosLifeCycle (if -lTAO_CosLifeCycle is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_PortableGroup (if -lTAO_PortableGroup is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CosLoadBalancing (if -lTAO_CosLoadBalancing is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_ETCL (if -lTAO_ETCL is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CosNotification (if -lTAO_CosNotification is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CosNotification_MC (if -lTAO_CosNotification_MC is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CosNotification_Skel (if -lTAO_CosNotification_Skel is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CosNotification_MC_Ext (if -lTAO_CosNotification_MC_Ext is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CosNotification_Persist (if -lTAO_CosNotification_Persist is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CosTime (if -lTAO_CosTime is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CosTrading (if -lTAO_CosTrading is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_CosTrading_Skel (if -lTAO_CosTrading_Skel is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_DsLogAdmin (if -lTAO_DsLogAdmin is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_DsLogAdmin_Skel (if -lTAO_DsLogAdmin_Skel is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_DsEventLogAdmin (if -lTAO_DsEventLogAdmin is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_DsEventLogAdmin_Skel (if -lTAO_DsEventLogAdmin_Skel is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_DsNotifyLogAdmin (if -lTAO_DsNotifyLogAdmin is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_DsNotifyLogAdmin_Skel (if -lTAO_DsNotifyLogAdmin_Skel is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_FTORB_Utils (if -lTAO_FTORB_Utils is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_FTRT_ClientORB (if -lTAO_FTRT_ClientORB is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_RTEvent (if -lTAO_RTEvent is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_RTEvent_Skel (if -lTAO_RTEvent_Skel is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_FtRtEvent (if -lTAO_FtRtEvent is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_FTRT_EventChannel (if -lTAO_FTRT_EventChannel is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_FTORB (if -lTAO_FTORB is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_FT_ClientORB (if -lTAO_FT_ClientORB is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_FT_ServerORB (if -lTAO_FT_ServerORB is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_RTCORBAEvent (if -lTAO_RTCORBAEvent is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_FaultTolerance (if -lTAO_FaultTolerance is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_HTIOP (if -lTAO_HTIOP is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_IFRService (if -lTAO_IFRService is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_RTSched (if -lTAO_RTSched is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_RT_Notification (if -lTAO_RT_Notification is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_RTOLDEvent (if -lTAO_RTOLDEvent is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_RTSchedEvent (if -lTAO_RTSchedEvent is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_RTEventLogAdmin (if -lTAO_RTEventLogAdmin is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_RTEventLogAdmin_Skel (if -lTAO_RTEventLogAdmin_Skel is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_RTKokyuEvent (if -lTAO_RTKokyuEvent is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_RTCosScheduling (if -lTAO_RTCosScheduling is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_Metrics (if -lTAO_Metrics is detected)
HAVE_LIBTAO_Security (if -lTAO_Security is detected)

  1. If you rely on including IDL files relative to the directory of the processed IDL file (i.e. #include "..."), then see this bugreport:
  2. If you have problems with statically linked programs, then see these bugreports:
  3. If when using autotools-installed layout many of the libraries cannot be detected (but the binary files are in place), then see this bugreport:


This macro checks for MICO.
You may use this macro if:
  1. Your package supports only MICO.
  2. Multi-ORB builds (see example6).
configure command-line options:
Default value(s)
MICO architecture-independent prefix
MICO_EXEC_PREFIX or /usr/local or /usr or /usr/pkg or /opt/sfw or /usr/sfw or /opt/local or /sw
MICO architecture-dependent prefix
OpenSSL architecture-independent prefix
/usr/local or /usr or /usr/pkg or /opt/sfw or /usr/sfw or /opt/local or /sw or /usr/local/openssl or /usr/openssl or /usr/pkg/openssl or /opt/sfw/openssl or /usr/sfw/openssl /opt/local/openssl or /sw/openssl
OpenSSL architecture-dependent prefix

After the macro is run, the shell variable $MICO is set to either "yes" or "no", depending on whether MICO has been found or not.

AC_SUBST'ed shell variables (only if $MICO is "yes"):
Variable name
MICO's version
A space-separated list of the directories which contain MICO's and supplementary executables
A space-separated list of the directories which contain MICO's and supplementary libraries
A space-separated list of the directories which contain MICO's and supplementary headers
A space-separated list of the directories which contain MICO's and supplementary COSS IDLs
"--codegen-c++ --any --c++-suffix=cpp --c++-skel --hh-suffix=hpp --poa-ties --use-quotes"
pthread $CFLAGS or "" (if threads were not needed)
pthread $CFLAGS or "" (if threads were not needed)
+ "-lmicocoss$ORB_VERSION" (if available)
+ "-lm" + socket, pthread (if needed) and OpenSSL's (if needed) libs

config.h and defines (only if $MICO is "yes"):
HAVE_LIBmicocoss (if -lmicocoss$ORB_VERSION is detected)
HAVE_MICO_SEPARATE_COSS_DIR (if MICO has a separate directory for COSS headers)


This macro checks for orbitcpp.
You may use this macro if:
  1. Your package supports only orbitcpp.
  2. Multi-ORB builds (see example6).
configure command-line options:
Default value(s)
orbitcpp architecture-independent prefix
/usr/local or /usr or /usr/pkg or /opt/sfw or /usr/sfw or /opt/local or /sw
orbitcpp architecture-dependent prefix
Orbit2 architecture-independent prefix
Orbit2 architecture-dependent prefix
libIDL architecture-dependent prefix

After the macro is run, the shell variable $ORBITCPP is set to either "yes" or "no", depending on whether orbitcpp has been found or not.

AC_SUBST'ed shell variables (only if $ORBITCPP is "yes"):
Variable name
orbitcpp's version
A space-separated list of the directories which contain orbitcpp's and supplementary executables
A space-separated list of the directories which contain orbitcpp's and supplementary libraries
A space-separated list of the directories which contain orbitcpp's and supplementary headers
A space-separated list of the directories which contain orbitcpp's and supplementary COSS IDLs
"PATH=$ORB_BIN_DIRS:$PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORB_LIB_DIRS:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH $SHELL -c 'orbit-idl-2 -l c $@ && orbit-idl-2 -l cpp $@' orbit-idl-2"
"--onlytop --showcpperrors --idlwarnlevel=4"
+ `pkg-config --cflags-only-other glib-2.0 gobject-2.0 gmodule-no-export-2.0 gthread-2.0`
+ `pkg-config --cflags-only-other glib-2.0 gobject-2.0 gmodule-no-export-2.0 gthread-2.0`

"-lORBit-2-cpp -lORBit-2"
+ "-lORBitCosNaming-2-cpp" (if available)
+ `pkg-config --libs-only-l glib-2.0 gobject-2.0 gmodule-no-export-2.0 gthread-2.0`
+ "-lm" + socket libs
+ `pkg-config --libs-only-other glib-2.0 gobject-2.0 gmodule-no-export-2.0 gthread-2.0`

config.h and defines (only if $ORBITCPP is "yes"):
HAVE_LIBORBitCosNaming_2_cpp (if -lORBitCosNaming-2-cpp is detected)

orbitcpp, ORBit-2 and libIDL (in combination) are not quite ready to be used with autotools-idl out of the box, i.e. they require patches not only to be built but to produce usable code, too.
  1. The minimum supported version of orbitcpp is 1.3.10. That  is because the --onlytop IDL compiler option was not implemented in the C++ backend in previous versions. However, orbitcpp 1.3.10 was never released as a source package. You have two options for getting the source:

  2. If you rely on including IDL files relative to the directory of the processed IDL file (i.e. #include "..."), then see this bugreport:

  3. If you want to use the Intel C++ compiler, then see this bugreport:

  4. Additional orbitcpp limitations:


This macro checks for ORBacus.
You may use this macro if:
  1. Your package supports only ORBacus.
  2. Multi-ORB builds (see example6).
configure command-line options:
Default value(s)
ORBacus architecture-independent prefix
/usr/local or /usr or /usr/pkg or /opt/sfw or /usr/sfw or /opt/local or /sw
ORBacus architecture-dependent prefix
JTC architecture-independent prefix
ORBACUS_PREFIX or /usr/local or /usr or /usr/pkg or /opt/sfw or /usr/sfw or /opt/local or /sw
JTC architecture-dependent prefix

After the macro is run, the shell variable $ORBACUS is set to either "yes" or "no", depending on whether ORBacus has been found or not.

AC_SUBST'ed shell variables (only if $ORBACUS is "yes"):
Variable name
ORBacus' version
A space-separated list of the directories which contain ORBacus' and supplementary executables
A space-separated list of the directories which contain ORBacus' and supplementary libraries
A space-separated list of the directories which contain ORBacus' and supplementary headers
A space-separated list of the directories which contain ORBacus' and supplementary COSS IDLs
"--h-suffix .hpp --skel-suffix Server --tie"
pthread $CFLAGS
pthread $CFLAGS
+ "-lJTC" (if needed or detected)
+ "-lBalancerUtil -lBalancer -lOCI_udp -lOCI_bidir -lOBBiDir -lCosTime -lCosNaming -lCosProperty -lCosEvent" (whichever are available)
+ "-lm" + socket and pthread libs

config.h and defines (only if $ORBACUS is "yes"):
HAVE_LIBJTC (if -lJTC is detected)
HAVE_LIBCosEvent (if -lCosEvent is detected)
HAVE_LIBCosProperty (if -lCosProperty is detected)
HAVE_LIBCosNaming (if -lCosNaming is detected)
HAVE_LIBCosTime (if -lCosTime is detected)
HAVE_LIBOBBiDir (if -lOBBiDir is detected)
HAVE_LIBOCI_bidir (if -lOCI_bidir is detected)
HAVE_LIBOCI_udp (if -lOCI_udp is detected)
HAVE_LIBBalancer (if -lBalancer is detected)
HAVE_LIBBalancerUtil (if -lBalancerUtil is detected)


This macro checks for VisiBroker.
You may use this macro if:
  1. Your package supports only VisiBroker.
  2. Multi-ORB builds (see example6).
configure command-line options:
Default value(s)
--with-visibroker-prefix=VISIBROKER_PREFIX VisiBroker prefix
/opt/Borland/VisiBroker or /opt/Borland/BDP or /usr/local or /usr or /usr/pkg or /opt/sfw or /usr/sfw or /opt/local or /sw
Try to detect its_support library
Try to detect vbsec library

After the macro is run, the shell variable $VISIBROKER is set to either "yes" or "no", depending on whether VisiBroker has been found or not.

AC_SUBST'ed shell variables (only if $VISIBROKER is "yes"):
Variable name
VisiBroker's version
A space-separated list of the directories which contain VisiBroker's and supplementary executables
A space-separated list of the directories which contain VisiBroker's and supplementary libraries
A space-separated list of the directories which contain VisiBroker's and supplementary headers
A space-separated list of the directories which contain VisiBroker's and supplementary COSS IDLs
"-client_ext \"\" -server_ext Server -hdr_suffix hpp -src_suffix cpp -type_code_info -excep_spec -namespace -tie"
pthread $CFLAGS
pthread $CFLAGS
"-lvport -lvdlog -lorb -llmgr"
"-lvbsysmib -lpluggable -lnmsg -ltelcolog -lcosnotify -lcostm -lcosnm -lcosev" (whichever are available)
"-lvbsec -lits_support" (whichever are requested and available)
+ "-lm" + socket and pthread libs

config.h and defines (only if $VISIBROKER is "yes"):
HAVE_LIBcosev (if -lcosev is detected)
HAVE_LIBcosnm (if -lcosnm is detected)
HAVE_LIBcostm (if -lcostm is detected)
HAVE_LIBcosnotify (if -lcosnotify is detected)
HAVE_LIBtelcolog (if -ltelcolog is detected)
HAVE_LIBnmsg (if -lnmsg is detected)
HAVE_LIBpluggable (if -lpluggable is detected)
HAVE_LIBvbsysmib (if -lvbsysmib is detected)
HAVE_LIBits_support (if -lits_support is detected)
HAVE_LIBvbsec (if -lvbsec is detected)

The detected libraries may have various suffixes depending on their characteristics. The detection honours:
  1. Multi-threaded over single-threaded.
  2. 64-bit over 32-bit.
  3. STL over Classical iostreams.
The core libraries (vport, vdlog and orb) can only be multi-threaded.
The its_support and vbsec libraries are optional and off by default because each one of them requires special preparations in order to run a program linked with it.


This macro checks for Tuxedo.
You may use this macro if:
  1. Your package supports only Tuxedo.
  2. Multi-ORB builds (see example6).
configure command-line options:
Default value(s)
Tuxedo prefix
/usr/local or /usr or /usr/pkg or /opt/sfw or /usr/sfw or /opt/local or /sw
OpenSSL architecture-independent prefix
/usr/local or /usr or /usr/pkg or /opt/sfw or /usr/sfw or /opt/local or /sw or /usr/local/openssl or /usr/openssl or /usr/pkg/openssl or /opt/sfw/openssl or /usr/sfw/openssl /opt/local/openssl or /sw/openssl
OpenSSL architecture-dependent prefix

After the macro is run, the shell variable $TUXEDO is set to either "yes" or "no", depending on whether Tuxedo has been found or not.

AC_SUBST'ed shell variables (only if $TUXEDO is "yes"):
Variable name
Tuxedo's version
A space-separated list of the directories which contain Tuxedo's and supplementary executables
A space-separated list of the directories which contain Tuxedo's and supplementary libraries
A space-separated list of the directories which contain Tuxedo's and supplementary headers
A space-separated list of the directories which contain Tuxedo's and supplementary COSS IDLs
"-T -P"
pthread $CFLAGS
pthread $CFLAGS
"$TUXEDO_PREFIX/lib/tgiopservice.o $TUXEDO_PREFIX/lib/tpfwinit.o -lenv -lomg -lnative -lorb -lorbpoa -lorbutl -ltmib -licbgp -lskel -ltux -lbuft -lfml -lfml32 -lengine"
+ "-lm" + socket and pthread and OpenSSL's libs

config.h and defines (only if $TUXEDO is "yes"):

The object files and libraries for $ORB_LIBS are taken verbatim from Tuxedo's buildobjserver and buildobjclient commands (which are the only official way to link a Tuxedo CORBA program). That is why they are all mandatory and no additional libraries are checked for.


This macro checks for Orbix.
You may use this macro if:
  1. Your package supports only Orbix.
  2. Multi-ORB builds (see example6).
configure command-line options:
Default value(s)
Orbix prefix
/opt/progress/orbix or /opt/iona or /usr/local or /usr or /usr/pkg or /opt/sfw or /usr/sfw or /opt/local or /sw

After the macro is run, the shell variable $ORBIX is set to either "yes" or "no", depending on whether Orbix has been found or not.

AC_SUBST'ed shell variables (only if $ORBIX is "yes"):
Variable name
Orbix' version
A space-separated list of the directories which contain Orbix' and supplementary executables
A space-separated list of the directories which contain Orbix' and supplementary libraries
A space-separated list of the directories which contain Orbix' and supplementary headers
A space-separated list of the directories which contain Orbix' and supplementary COSS IDLs
"-base:-h.hpp:-c.cpp -poa:-hServer.hpp:-sServer.cpp:-b.hpp:-xTIE"
pthread $CFLAGS
pthread $CFLAGS
"-lit_art -lit_ifc"
"-lit_pss_r -lit_pss -lit_xa -lit_ots_psk -lit_ots -lit_message_routing_psk -lit_message_routing -lit_load_balancing -lit_lease -lit_trader_psk -lit_trader -lit_notify_psk -lit_notify -lit_event_psk -lit_event -lit_naming_admin -lit_naming -lit_portable_interceptor -lit_poa -lit_location -lit_dynany" (whichever are available)
"-lit_giop -lit_messaging_bridge -lit_messaging -lit_atli2_ip -lit_atli2 -lit_key_replacer_stubs" (whichever are needed)
+ "-lm" + socket and pthread libs

config.h and defines (only if $ORBIX is "yes"):
HAVE_LIBit_dynany (if -lit_dynany is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_location (if -lit_location is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_poa (if -lit_poa is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_portable_interceptor (if -lit_portable_interceptor is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_naming (if -lit_naming is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_naming_admin (if -lit_naming_admin is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_event (if -lit_event is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_event_psk (if -lit_event_psk is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_notify (if -lit_notify is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_notify_psk (if -lit_notify_psk is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_trader (if -lit_trader is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_trader_psk (if -lit_trader_psk is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_lease (if -lit_lease is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_load_balancing (if -lit_load_balancing is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_message_routing (if -lit_message_routing is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_message_routing_psk (if -lit_message_routing_psk is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_ots (if -lit_ots is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_ots_psk (if -lit_ots_psk is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_xa (if -lit_xa is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_pss (if -lit_pss is detected)
HAVE_LIBit_pss_r (if -lit_pss_r is detected)

Since config.guess always detects the CPU of a x86 machine under Solaris as i386 (even if it is a 64-bit one and you intend to build 64-bit binaries with -m64) you must set the host CPU manually if you want to detect the 64-bit Orbix libraries. Here is how to do it:

./configure --host=`./config.guess | sed s/i386/x86_64/`

If you leave the default i386 host CPU type then autoconf-orb will try to link against the 32-bit libraries only.


This macro tries to find a suitable ORB among all the supported ones using the macros above.

AI_CHECK_ORB arguments
--enable command line option
for more info, see:
"omniORB" or "omniorb" --enable-omniorb AI_CHECK_OMNIORB
"TAO" or "tao"
"MICO" or "mico"
--enable-mico AI_CHECK_MICO
"ORBacus" or "orbacus"
"VisiBroker" or "visibroker"
"Tuxedo" or "tuxedo"
"Orbix" or "orbix"

is an optional ordered list of ORBs according to the package developer's preferences. If the user does not use an explicit --enable-orb option then only these ORBs will be tried and in the specified order.
ALLOWED_ORBS is an optional unoredered list of ORBs which are supported by the package. Detection code for the ORBs which are not in this list will not be generated in the configure script at all. If this parameter is missing or is empty then it is assumed to be equal to a list of all the ORBs for which support has been installed.
Invalid entries in PREFERRED_ORBS and ALLOWED_ORBS are ignored (e.g. a typo or an ORB which is in PREFERRED_ORBS but not in ALLOWED_ORBS).

After the macro is run, the shell variable $ORB is set to either "yes" or "no", depending on whether a suitable ORB has been found or not.

AC_SUBST'ed shell variables (only if $ORB is "yes"):
Variable name
The ORB type (as seen in the first column of the table above)
The ORB version (the format is ORB-specific)
A space-separated list of the directories which must be in $PATH when executing a program built against the ORB
(actually, this is required only under CygWin (MS Windows))

A space-separated list of the directories which must be in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH or $LIBPATH or $LIBRARY_PATH or $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH or $SHLIB_PATH (whichever is used by the OS) when executing a program built against the ORB
A space-separated list of the directories which must be in $CPPFLAGS with -I options while compiling a program against the ORB
A space-separated list of the directories which must be in $IDLCPPFLAGS with -I options while compiling an IDL file with the ORB's IDL compiler
The command used to invoke the ORB's IDL compiler (without any flags)
ORB-specific flags for the IDL compiler (idlfix from automake-idl highly depends on the content of this variable)
ORB-independent flags for the IDL compiler (-D and -I flags only)
Compiler flags required to compile a C source file against the ORB (without -D and -I flags)
Compiler flags required to compile a C++ source file against the ORB (without -D and -I flags)
Compiler flags required to preprocess a C or C++ source file against the ORB (-D and -I flags only)
-l linker flags required to link an executable against the ORB
-L linker flags required to link an executable against the ORB

ORBs are tried in this order:
  1. User-preferred (the ones which are specified with an explicit --enable-orb option on configure's command line). The ORBs which are in the developer-preferred list are tried first.
  2. Developer-preferred (see PREFERRED_ORBS above) excluding user-unpreferred ones (the ones which are specified with an explicit --disable-orb option on configure's command line). The ORBs are tried in the specified order.
  3. Default ordered (omniORB, TAO, MICO, orbitcpp, ORBacus, VisiBroker, Tuxedo, Orbix) excluding user-unpreferred ones and the ORBs which are not allowed at all (see ALLOWED_ORBS above).
Each one of these sets is tried only if all the sets preceeding it are empty.

After an ORB is detected, a very simple program may optionally be built against it. If this build fails, the detection of the respective ORB is considered unsuccessful and the details about the build failure may be found in config.log. This test build may be enabled by the user the --enable-orb-buildtest configure's option.


This macro is used to include all the command-line options from AI_CHECK_ORB and the ORB-specific macros without actually executing any of them. It is useful when you need to display the options in the help message of the current configure script but the actual values will only be passed down to other configure scripts in subpackages (see example6). For an explanation of the ALLOWED_ORBS parameter, see AI_CHECK_ORB.